What I Hope to Accomplish on the FNSBSD Board of Education

What I would like to accomplish on the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Board of Education:

Put Teachers First:
Teachers need to be free to inspire students to want to study and learn. To the extent teachers are hindered by policy and administration, they cannot inspire students to love learning. Current blanket policies and regulation force teachers, children and the district to conform to a distant, disinterested third party.

Give Parents Control of the School:
We need to decentralize power in the school district and give the schools back to the local communities. Lift borders and restrictions and allow parents and students to choose their school and their classrooms. The district currently spends almost $16,000 per student. Give that funding to each student and let it go to the schools and classrooms that attract those students.

Freedom Education:
The current school system produces obedient, compliant, security minded students who graduate looking for jobs and, increasingly, the jobs are not there. Without jobs, after twelve years of being told WHAT to think, they naturally turn to experts for handouts. On the other hand, individualized Leadership education produces leaders, thinkers, entrepreneurs, inventors, artists and statesmen who know HOW to think and will produce their own jobs.

The problems we face today are different than anyone has encountered before, but the process of problem-solving is not. Students need individualized, mentored education, rooted in a deep understanding of history and the classics. Classics produce free individuals who can apply true principles in every situation.

Individualized Education:
Look into the eyes of a child and see if you don't believe that he or she was born to make a difference in the world. Students have a purpose, an individual mission in life for which they need to prepare. They need to be free to study, learn and excel according to their individual genius, with guidance from a mentor. The teachers, free to be mentors, inspire students to establish and execute individual educational goals.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Principles of Free-Enterprise in Public Education

When I mention that quality teachers should be compensated more than poor teachers, people are concerned about who gets to say which are the bad teachers are and which are the good teachers. I ask them, "Do you know who the poor teachers are in your child's school?" They answer "Yes." And there I make my point, we've been trained to think there is no measure you can use for good and bad, yet everyone knows when something is good or whether it is bad, even when it comes to teaching.

What happens because of collective bargaining and tenure for teachers is that poor teachers remain in the system and have no incentive to become quality teachers. Parents who are involved and know the system pull strings and leverage their children into the quality classrooms. This leaves other children, whose parents don't get as involved and have more need of quality teachers, with the poorer teachers. There are principles that apply here, they can be called principles of free-enterprise.

Free-enterprise principles teach:

- That when high-quality and low-quality options are compared side-by-side, it is self-evident which is the high-quality option.
- That whenever you allow freedom to choose, people choose the best options for them
- That these options are usually provided in the most efficient, effective way by those trying to attract others to certain options.
- That if parents were free to choose the classrooms and schools for their children, and schools and teachers were paid according to the number of students they attract, the following would happen:

- The better teachers would consequently be better compensated
- The poor teachers would have incentive to become better teachers
- The optimum number of students per classroom would naturally become evident, and it might be different for every teacher and classroom, being dependent on the teaching styles of teachers and the learning styles of students
- The optimum number of square feet per student in a school would also become evident, and it might be different for each school
- The competition would improve the entire school system as each school's administration and each teacher find more ways to attract students and more effective ways to educate

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